Month: February 2021

Twitter has told India’s government that it won’t restrict accounts belonging to journalists, activists, and politicians in India, despite receiving an order from the country’s federal government. It is, however, blocking an unspecified number of accounts that don’t fall into these categories from being able to be viewed internally in the country. In a blog
The Royal College of Physicians is urging people not to share and ‘copycat’ ‘dangerous’ videos claiming steam inhalation can prevent Covid-19. The BBC has found that alternative coronavirus treatments are being sent on chat apps like WhatsApp, as well as being widely available on social media. BBC reporter Sima Kotecha has tracked the origins of
Ben Kothe / BuzzFeed News; Getty Images (3) The propagandist who called himself Azym Abdullah didn’t need much money to set up a website for ISIS that would broadcast gruesome beheading videos. What he needed was secrecy, so in 2014 he reportedly turned to cryptocurrency. He paid a little more than 1 bitcoin, approximately $400